Strengthening coherence between forestry and social protection for sustainable agrifood systems transformation

This document presents a guiding framework to assist mainly governments, development organizations and civil society organizations (CSOs) in attaining coherence between social protection and forest policies to improve the well-being and economic inclusion of forest-dependent people.

Evidence for Responding to Displacement A Scoping Review of Rigorous Impact Evaluations

This scoping review provides an overview of the growing evidence base from evaluations of programs for displaced populations, across 27 displacement-affected settings. These evaluations cover a range of topics and outcomes, including household welfare, food security, education, health, livelihoods, and social cohesion. In the livelihood's outcomes chapter, authors include information interventions, employment assistance and financial assistance.

Considerations for Integrating the Graduation Approach within Resilience Food Security Activities

This report provides a comprehensive study of prevailing practices in integrating graduation programming across three programs focused on resilience and food security activities (RFSA): Graduating to Resilience (AVSI/Uganda), Nobo Jatra (World Vision/Bangladesh), and Nuyok (Catholic Relief Services (CRS)/Uganda). It also presents recommendations for RFSA practitioners and the USAID Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance to consider in the design and application of the graduation approach in future RFSAs.

Can a Light-Touch Graduation Model Enhance Livelihood Outcomes? Evidence from Ethiopia

This paper presents evidence from a randomized trial of a lighter-touch graduation model implemented in rural Ethiopia. Three years post-baseline, the intervention resulted in increases in assets, savings, and cash income from livestock, though there is no shift in consumption or household food security. The effects of training and savings groups alone are minimal.

Families Disrupting the Cycle of Poverty: Coaching with an Intergenerational Lens

This document discusses EMPath’s Intergenerational Mobility Project – the Intergen Project, which uses the family as the unity of focus and considers the family as a key unit for human development. The project presents three tools to work with – the adults, the children, and the family, and details on how to use these tools and on some initial findings for practitioners.

Poverty and mindsets - How poverty and exclusion over generations affect aspirations, hope and decisions, and how to address it.

This report focuses on how poverty and exclusion affect behaviour, aspirations, hope and agency, which can all be essential drivers to social mobility. Evidence suggests that the experience of poverty itself seems to contribute to the transmission of poverty to the next generation. The report gathers and summarises findings from behavioural studies, neuroscience, sociological and economic studies. Bringing together these diverse sources and scientific evidence can help to better understand this complex issue, and to identify countermeasures that may effectively address the problem.

Mobility Mentoring

This document provides a detailed description of EMPath’s Mobility Mentoring approach, including the fundamentals to the coaching component that fosters behavior change in crisis management and goal attainment. It also discusses the role of social support and networks.

Socio-economic Evidence in Practice in Forcibly Displaced Settings: examples of uses of socio-economic data in advocacy, policy and programmes

This publication highlights a collection of instances where recently generated data and evidence are used in practice by UNHCR and its partners to protect and advance solutions for forcibly displaced people and host communities. The featured examples illustrate research that is responsive to operational needs and focus on developing outcomes fundamental to refugee self-reliance: livelihoods, mental health, empowerment of women, improved food security, building solid beginnings for children, and inclusion of refugees in national systems.

Climate Adaptation Within Livelihoods and Poverty Programmes: Responding to Extreme Heat in India

Adaptation efforts are needed as some estimate that climate shocks could push 50 million more people into extreme poverty by 2040. This paper presents how to integrate adaptive measures within rural and urban livelihoods programmes, especially programmes that are designed for the most vulnerable populations.

Spotlight Note: Socio-economic integration of forcibly displaced populations in Latin America and the Caribbean

The publication provides a range of socio-economic indicators of forcibly displaced populations in Latin America related to education, labor markets and living conditions, as well as key policy indicators, with the intention to spur a policy discussion around what actions need to be taken to adequately ensure displaced populations are fully included in the formal economy and society at large.

Migration Data Brief

This Migration Data Brief presents a comprehensive overview of the socio-economic characteristics and integration outcomes of forcibly displaced populations in the Latin American OECD countries of Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica and Mexico, as well as Ecuador and Peru.

Do ultra-poor graduation programs build resilience against droughts? Evidence from rural Ethiopia

This study assesses how a multifaceted ultra-poor graduation program shields household wellbeing and women’s welfare during localized droughts in Ethiopia. Analyzing data from a substantial experimental trial, integrating livelihood and nutrition interventions with Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP), the research maps community-level exposure to droughts using satellite weather data.

The unjust climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on rural poor, women and youth

Heat stress is one of the many negative effects that climate change has on people living in poverty, especially women and youth in rural areas. A recent FAO report, The unjust climate: Measuring the impacts of climate change on the rural poor, women and youth, is based on 70 years of data on rainfall and temperatures, and surveys of over 109,000 households across 24 countries worldwide.

Globalising Southern approaches to reducing extreme poverty: policy adoption of BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra Poor graduation program

This paper explores how BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra Poor graduation program was globally adopted as a successful pathway for extremely poor households to build sustainable livelihoods and improve their conditions. It explores how this Southern model of development and transformation became an integral part of global knowledge.

Scoping review on the role of social protection in facilitating climate change adaptation and mitigation for economic inclusion among rural populations

This paper reviews the available evidence on the role of social protection programmes in facilitating climate change adaptation and mitigation, with a specific emphasis on economic inclusion for agriculture-dependent households.