PEI Newsletter December 2018

This edition features: Four key trends in economic inclusion programs New resource: Ultra-Poor Graduation Handbook from World Vision and BRAC A collective response to poverty in Kenya Designing programs to overcome the poverty trap New ways to measure poverty
A woman sews at a machine
Partnership for Economic Inclusion

PEI Newsletter February 2019

This edition features: Partners summit draws together community of practice Co-Impact launch brings funding opportunities for the poorest Ask the experts: Frank DeGiovanni on how economic inclusion programs can foster better markets for the poorest Designing child-sensitive programs
Photo of four people joining hands in a circle
Partnership for Economic Inclusion

PEI Newsletter March 2019

This edition features: Colin Andrews appointed as PEI Program Manager Pakistan launches new ministry and expands commitment to National Poverty Graduation Programme Co-Impact launches new round of funding Seeking economic promise for refugees and Ugandans Ask the experts: Keetie Roelen at IDS on how to foster child-sensitive programming in our economic inclusion projects Resources and events
Close up photo of a person smiling at the camera
Partnership for Economic Inclusion

PEI Newsletter May 2019

Edition includes: Naila Kabeer's qualitative research on graduation participants Making graduation programs work for children Skoll World Forum A dozen countries in Sub-Saharan Africa could eliminate poverty Transfer Project Conference Resources and events
Photo of several women sitting on the ground together outside
Partnership for Economic Inclusion

PEI Newsletter July 2019

Edition includes: Economic inclusion shows promise in fragile contexts Paraguay government, UN work to build hope Exploring links between social assistance and economic inclusion in Indonesia Resource and events
Photo of a woman in a blue floral sari looking into the camera
Partnership for Economic Inclusion

PEI Newsletter February 2020

Edition includes: PEI announces inaugural country engagement award grantees PEI launches annual report PEI launches webinar series In remembrance of Sir Fazle Hasan Abed Updates, resources, and vacant positions
Photo of a woman and a girl getting water from an outdoor fountain
Partnership for Economic Inclusion