Country Factsheet

Burkina Faso

This factsheet provides an overview of economic inclusion programs in Burkina Faso. Economic inclusion programs are a bundle of coordinated, multidimensional interventions that support individuals, households, and communities in raising their incomes and building their assets. The data used for this factsheet comes from the Partnership for Economic Inclusion’s Landscape Survey 2023.

Country Facts

Sub-Saharan Africa
22.10 million
Income Group
Low income
FCV country (WB FY24 list)
Poverty Headcount (share of population below the poverty line)
National Poverty Line
Multidimensional Poverty Index
$2.15/day (2017 PPP)


Number of economic inclusion programs
Institutional delivery (lead agency)
  • Nongovernment-led
  • Government-led
Geographic area
  • Rural only
  • Urban/peri
  • Mix (urban & rural)


Number of participants
Number of people benefiting
Participants served by government-led programs (%)

Main Program Objectives

Wage employment
Income diversification
Food security
Market access
Women's empowerment
Social inclusion
Social cohesion
Financial inclusion
Social services
Climate resilience
  • More than 2/3 of programs
  • Between 1/3 and less than 2/3 of programs
  • Fewer than 1/3 of programs

Participant Profile

Targeted Poverty Segments
Extreme poor
Those above the poverty line
Doesn't target by poverty level
Targeted Population Groups
Older people
Persons with disabilities
  • More than 2/3 of programs
  • Between 1/3 and less than 2/3 of programs
  • Fewer than 1/3 of programs


Business capital
Wage employment facilitation
Skills training
Financial services facilitation
Market links
Climate resilience support


Program Name Year program began Lead Agencies Program Description No. of Current Participants % Female Participants Poverty Targeting Digital
Communal Climate Action and Landscape Management Project 2023 Ministry of Ecological Transition and Environment The project promotes integrated land use planning and agro-sylvo-pastoral investments in rural municipalities through a community-driven approach that empowers local municipalities and encourages private entrepreneurship for the sustainable development of value chains. Targets poor broadly Yes
Agrifood Program for Integrated Resilience and Economic Development of the Sahel (Pro-ARIDES) 2021 SNV with consortium partners CARE-Netherlands, Wageningen University & Research and The Royal Tropical Institute The program aims to achieve sustainable and diversified production, improved household nutrition, economic resilience, land tenure and the sustainable use of natural resources. 63,525 76-99% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Valorization of Agro-Pastoral Potential in the Eastern Region of Burkina Faso Program (VALPAPE) 2023 Caritas Suisse Burkina The program seeks to better utilize agro-sylvo-pastoral potential to enhance food and nutrition security for local communities. 3,000 1-25% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Graduation Project for the Autonomy and Dignity of Displaced Persons (GADICH) 2022 Action pour la Promotion des Initiatives Locales (APIL) The project aims to empower poor and vulnerable households to achieve sustainable development. 3,000 51-75% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Regional Sahel Pastoralism Support Project II (PRAPS-2) 2022 Ministry of Agriculture, Animal and Fisheries Resources The project aims to strengthen the resilience of pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in targeted areas of the Sahel region. Targets XP/UP only Yes
Supporting Host Communities and Internally-displaced Persons to Facilitate Sustainable Transition Towards Inclusive Solutions (SHIFT) 2021 Danish Refugee Council (DRC) SHIFT promotes long-term inclusive solutions for displaced populations and host communities in Liptako-Gourma, using the graduation approach to build resilience and achieve sustainable livelihoods. 1,217 26-50% of participants Targets XP/UP only Yes
Social Safety Net Project 2014 Ministry of National Solidarity and Humanitarian Action The program aims to develop household resilience by implementing five measures including a simplified business plan, subsidies, access to market input, and coaching. 6,606 All (100% of participants are female) Targets poor broadly Yes
Support for Self-sufficiency and Support for the Development of Resilience 2022 Veterinarian Sans Frontieres Belgium The program aims to strengthen self-sufficiency and resilience of persons under UNHCR mandate in the Sahel region. 2,000 51-75% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes
Inclusive Livelihood Activities for Women and People with Disabilities in Ouargaye 2018 OCADES Tenkodogo The project aimed to economically empower vulnerable women and people with disabilities using the graduation approach to provide training and support for sustainable livelihood activities. 197 76-99% of participants Targets XP/UP only Yes
Project to strengthen the resilience and social cohesion of vulnerable populations (RECOSA) project 2019 Humanity & Inclusion The project focuses on social safety nets, livelihoods based on the progression model, local development, improved social cohesion, and conflict prevention and management in intervention areas. 7,000 51-75% of participants Targets poor broadly Yes

Only programs that have given their consent to share their program data are included in this table

The Partnership for Economic Inclusion (PEI) is a global platform that unites non-governmental organizations, UN agencies, research institutions, funding partners, and the World Bank to support government adoption and scale up of economic inclusion programs that empower vulnerable people to lift themselves out of extreme poverty.

DNA: Does Not Apply; FY: Fiscal Year; FCV: Fragility, Conflict, and Violence; MPI: Multidimensional Poverty Index; NPL: National Poverty Line; N/A: Not available; WB: World Bank