• Unbundling the Impacts of Economic Empowerment Programmes: Evidence from Malawi

    Francesco Burchi and Christoph Strupat


    The present study assesses the impacts of an innovative pilot project called the Tingathe Economic Empowerment Project (EEP) in Malawi, designed by GIZ. The project targets ultra-poor and labour-constrained households. Designed as a cluster-randomised-control-trial, it provides to different village clusters a) a lump-sum transfer; b) financial and business training; or, c) both a lump-sum transfer and training. Furthermore, the project incorporated the feature that beneficiaries were allowed to appoint someone to carry out project-related activities on their behalf (the proxy), which could be of particular relevance to labour-constrained households. The main goal of the project was to position beneficiaries on a “graduation pathway”, that is, to provide them with the necessary resources with which to improve their well-being significantly and to lay the foundation for escaping poverty and their dependence on social assistance.


    Burchi, F., Christoph Strupat. 2018. "Unbundling the Impacts of Economic Empowerment Programmes: Evidence from Malawi." Bonn: German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE)

    Working Papers