Strengthening Economic Opportunities For Program Keluarga Harapan Families. A Case Study of Four Districts in Java
The Family Hope Program (PKH), a conditional cash transfer, is designed to reduce intergenerational poverty by increasing access to education and health services for children so that they can improve/ develop their HR capability. Various studies have shown that this program contributes positively to improving health conditions, nutritional status, and the education level of beneficiary families. Nevertheless, the ability of the program to improve the family economy is still very limited, as reflected by the small proportion of beneficiary families who have graduated. Limited ability to improve the family's economy is partly due to the lack of integration of the PKH program with other economic empowerment programs–for example, the People's Business Credit (KUR) program or the Ultra Microfinance Program (UMI). This report investigates ways by which integration of the PKH program with programs that provide support for economic improvement can take place. The purpose of this report is to explain the labour strategies that social protection beneficiaries utilise so that government and development partners can think critically about how to more effectively link these two domains.
Tamyis, Ana Rosidha et al. 2020. Strengthening Economic Opportunities For Program Keluarga Harapan Families A Case Study of Four Districts in Java. MAHKOTA;SMERU.