• Stopping as Success: Transitioning to Locally led Development. Case Study: Trickle Up Guatemala

    Marin O’Brien Belhoussein and Adriana Smith


    This case study was developed as part of Stopping As Success (SAS), a collaborative learning project that aims to study the dynamics at play when ending a development program, and provide guidelines on how to ensure locally led development. This report describes the graduation approach employed by Trickle Up to create independent village savings and loan associations (VSLAs). The case study highlights how Trickle Up has adapted aspects of the VSLA model to the Guatemalan context in order to establish and then “graduate” individual savings groups. Savings groups are common in Guatemala, with other INGOs interviewed over the course of the case study research also describing their experiences establishing and supporting such groups. However, the savings groups established by Trickle Up have unique characteristics, which have contributed to the groups growing and scaling up over time. 


    O’Brien Belhoussein, Marin; Smith, Adriana. 2019. Case Study: Trickle Up Guatemala. Stopping As Success.

    Working Papers