• Promoting Productive Inclusion and Resilience among the Poor: Multi-country RCT of the Sahel Adaptive Social Protection: Pre Analysis Plan

    Thomas Bossuroy, Julia Vaillant, William Parienté, Christopher Udry, Harounan Kazianga, Dean Karlan, Markus Goldstein, and Patrick Premand


    Pre Analysis plan for a multi country RCT in the Sahel Region


    Bossuroy, Thomas, Julia Vaillant, William Parienté, Christopher Udry, Harounan
    Kazianga, Dean Karlan, Markus Goldstein, and Patrick Premand. 2019. “Promoting
    Productive Inclusion and Resilience among the Poor: Multi-country RCT of the
    Sahel Adaptive Social Protection.” AEA RCT Registry, August 29. https://doi

    Working Papers