• Improving livelihood using livestock: Impact Evaluation of ‘Targeting Ultra-Poor’ Program in Afghanistan

    Munshi Sulaiman and Proloy Barua


    There is hardly any argument over the necessity of targeting the ultra-poor in development interventions. However, identifying and scaling up effective strategies to improve livelihoods remains a challenge. A few recent pilots have found an approach that combines transfer of productive assets, and intensive supports and supervision with a set of coordinated interventions following a time-bound exit plan successful. This paper evaluates one such pilot, known as ‘ultrapoor graduation pilot’, implemented by BRAC in Afghanistan. We find that participating households have successfully utilised the livestock received from the programme to increase employment and income. This income growth has also allowed them to improve dietary diversity through consumption of more home-grown food items. Beneficiaries also increased their livestock holdings beyond what they received from the programme. We find relatively stronger impacts on investments compared to consumption indicating a shift towards longer term planning among the beneficiaries. Given its effectiveness, this model should be strongly considered for scale-up in Afghanistan. We also suggest a couple of potential areas that need to be considered for improving the effectiveness of this model even further.


    Sulaiman, M., Proloy Barua. 2013. "Improving livelhood using livestock: Impact evaluation of 'targeting ultra-poor' programme in Afghanistan." Dhaka, Bangladesh

    Working Papers