A Guide to Market-Based Lveilhood Interventions for Refugees
There is no one-size-fits-all approach to refugee livelihoods. Interventions must be adapted to the local context. Factors such as whether refugees reside among the local population or stay in camps, whether they live in urban centres or rural ar- eas, fundamentally change the way livelihood interventions should be designed. A joint effort by UNHCR and ILO, this guide provides a framework for assessment to help practitioners determine the right combination of interventions to arrive at a holistic livelihoods approach that is well adapted to the local context and labour market. In doing so, it applies the “Making Markets Work for the Poor” approach (also known
as M4P or market systems development) to the specific context of refugees. M4P
provides a useful framework for understanding market systems in which refugees can
make a living and offers guidance for identifying interventions aimed at strengthening these systems. We hope this guide provides a programmatic example of how to build the nexus
between humanitarian and development actions, and paves the way for more marketoriented approaches to refugee livelihood programmes which ultimately will contribute to the development of the comprehensive refugee response approach, the global
compact for refugees, and the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal 8
on decent work and economic growth.CITATION
Nutz, Nadja. 2017. A Guide to Market-Based Lveilhood Interventions for Refugees. Geneva: International Labour Organization.