Graduation Model Ecuador: A gradual approach to local integration
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Ecuador has developed a livelihoods, methodology with refugees and asylum seekers, who have been forced to escape from armed conflict and persecution. The methodology emphasises the importance that these households reach dignified and sustainable livelihoods that allows them to build a home in their
host country. As part of this effort, the so called Graduation Model is a comprehensive programme of support for refugees who are economically active or have the potential to generate income, and find themselves in a situation of vulnerability. Based on UNHCR´s multiannual strategy, the Comprehensive Solutions Initiative (2016-2018) firmly anchored in the defence of human rights with a multidimensional perspective (economic,
social and legal), the Graduation Model uses innovative tools such as a the base line, local integration index and market studies to allow for a better understanding of the socioeconomic situation and integration challenges that the refugee population faces in Ecuador.CITATION
HIAS Ecuador and UNHCR. 2016. Graduation Model Ecuador: A gradual approach to local integration. Geneva: UNHCR.