• Graduating the Ultra Poor in India (Study Summary)

    Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Jeremy Shapiro


    In India, researchers partnered with Bandhan, a local microfinance institution. The study focused on households with an able-bodied woman that were not associated with any microfinance institution and received below a certain threshold of government aid. Households commonly had little land, no non-land productive assets, and relied on informal labor for income. Bandhan further narrowed eligibility by conducting a participatory rural appraisal to identify the poorest community members. Within the sample, the median total per capita consumption was 2014 PPP US$1.15 per day, with 73 percent of households consuming less than US$1.25 per day. Around 90 percent of households reported that some adults sometimes had to skip meals, and 40 percent reported the same for children.


    Banerjee, A., Esther Duflo, Jeremy Shapiro. 2014. "Graduating the Ultra Poor in India (Study Summary)." IPA

    Working Papers