• Graduating the Ultra Poor in Ethiopia (Study Summary)

    Dean Karlan and Nathanael Goldberg


    In Ethiopia, researchers partnered with the Relief Society of Tigray (REST) and the Dedebit Credit and Savings Institution (DECSI). The study focused on participants in Ethiopia’s food-for-work program who belonged to households without any outstanding loans and with at least one member capable of work. A local food security task force narrowed eligibility further by choosing those they considered to be the poorest members of their community. Within the sample, the median total per capita consumption was 2014 PPP US$1.22 per day, with two-thirds of households consuming less than US$1.25 per day. Two-thirds of households reported that not everyone in the household got enough food.


    Karlan D., Nathanael Goldberg. 2014. "Graduating the Ultra Poor in Ethiopia (Study Summary)." IPA

    Working Papers