• Feasibility Study for Piloting Graduation Programs in Lebanon A Report to the World Bank Group (IBRD and CGAP) for a Technical Assistance Project Financed by the State & Peace Building Fund

    Alexi Bernagros and Janet Heisey


    In April 2017 Trickle Up conducted a study to determine the feasibility of expanding upon this initiative to
    use the Graduation Approach as a pathway by which both poor Lebanese nationals and Syrian refugees
    can be more effectively included in livelihood responses and economic development programs. This paper
    examines the Graduation Approach as a viable solution to enable under- and unemployed Lebanese and
    Syrians living in extreme poverty to reduce dependence on dwindling aid resources, become self-reliant,
    and actively contribute to local economies, while building skills and experience among the Syrian
    population that would prepare them to return to Syria when the crisis is over. The paper recommends leveraging the existing systems and structures outlined in the Lebanon Crisis Response Plan (LCRP) to streamline the delivery of services through a Graduation Approach lens to ensure that the poorest households receive the appropriate support at the appropriate point in their development. Currently, the operational response plans for basic assistance, food security, and livelihoods presented in the LCRP are comparable to many of the components included in the Graduation Approach. By targeting Lebanese and Syrians living in extreme poverty and sequencing these interventions in an intentional and time-bound manner, a Graduation project would maximize impact on beneficiaries.


    Bernagros, Alexi and Janet Heisey 2018. Feasibility Study for Piloting Graduation Programs in Lebanon A Report to the World Bank Group (IBRD and CGAP) for a Technical Assistance Project Financed by the State & Peace Building Fund. New York: Trickle Up.

    Working Papers