Evaluation of UNHCR's Livelihoods Strategies and Approaches: Global Report December 2018
The purpose of this evaluation is to gather strategic and timely evidence on the effectiveness of
refugee livelihoods programming from 2014-2018. This evaluation will inform and influence the
organizational strategy and practice within UNHCR and external to UNHCR through partners, ultimately,
with the aim to improve the economic inclusion of refugees and other people of concern (PoC). The
evaluation also serves a dual purpose for learning and accountability within the organization,
commissioned by the UNHCR Evaluation Service as a centralized evaluation as per the 2016 Evaluation
Policy. To accomplish this objective, Technical Assistance to Non-Governmental Organizations (TANGO)
International, selected through a competitive bid, conducted an independent, theory-based evaluation of
the global livelihoods portfolio.
The intended users of this evaluation are the UNHCR Senior Executive Team, the Livelihoods and
Economic Inclusion Unit, the Division of Resilience and Solutions (DRS), Regional Bureaux, Country
Offices (COs), and their partners. The secondary audience includes other humanitarian and development
actors working in refugee contexts.CITATION
Frankenberger, Tim and Maryada Vallet. 2018. Evaluation of UNHCR's Livelihoods Strategies and Approaches: Global Report December 2018. Geneva: UNHCR.