• The Contributions of Social Protection to Economic Inclusion in Rural Areas



    Economic inclusion is at the forefront of the social protection agenda, and a concept increasingly recognized and developed by policymakers, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and development partners at large. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recognizes economic inclusion as one key pillar to eradicate extreme poverty, to foster more equal societies and to reduce disparities between urban and rural areas.
    This paper focuses on identifying the
    particular role that social protection benefits and programmes can play in economic inclusion processes, specifically for rural populations. It seeks to inform future policies and programmes, and contribute to the present debate around economic inclusion.


    FAO, 2020. "The Contributions of Social Protection to Economic Inclusion in Rural Areas". Rome: FAO. Available at: <https://www.fao.org/3/cb2458en/cb2458en.pdf?deliveryName=DM91102&gt;.

    Working Papers