• Chemin Levi Miyo - Final Evaluation (24 months)

    Karishma Huda and Anton Simanowitz


    Fonkoze‘s Chemin Lavi Miyo (CLM) project is designed as an intervention to tackle extreme poverty in Haiti. The face of extreme poverty is multifaceted, and this reality holds strong in Haiti. Poverty in Haiti is characterised by livelihood insecurity, vulnerability and lack of social safety nets. In response to this complex set of deprivations, Fonkoze initiated a multi-pronged livelihoods protection and promotion scheme designed to provide extremely poor women in rural Haiti an opportunity to begin a slow and steady ascent out of poverty. CLM targets extremely poor women with a comprehensive package of inputs. These cover five main areas:
    Building sustainable livelihoods through a cash stipend and provision of productive assets.
    Reducing vulnerability through access to health services and savings.
    Building skills, confidence and agency through close support of a CLM case-manager who provides enterprise training, advice, moral support.
    Improving social conditions through the provision of housing renovations; water filters; school uniforms.
    Strengthening social networks via social links with village elites


    Huda, Karishma, and Anton Simanowitz. 2010. “Chemin Lavi Miyo: Final Evaluation (24 months).” Concern Worldwide and CGAP, Washington, DC.

    Working Papers