Building livelihood and community resilience: Lessons from Somalia and Zimbabwe
This policy paper is a product of Cesvi’s need and wish to further its understanding of the role of resilience in fragile and conflict-affected areas by analysing its approach to livelihood and community
resilience in complex contexts, based on experience in Somalia and Zimbabwe.
This paper focuses on four key elements of transformative change in resiliencebuilding suggested by an initial review of the documentation:
1. Resilience pathways and outcomes (community and livelihood resilience).
2. ‘Enabling environments’: internal and external factors enabling or obstructing
3. Actors and stakeholders, and their roles in resilience-building.
4. Beneficiaries, equity and inclusion. It does so through two cases studies of Somalia and Zimbabwe, before concluding with recommendations for programming and policy.CITATION
Twigg, John and Margherita Calderone. 2019. Building livelihood and community resilience: Lessons from Somalia and Zimbabwe. Working Paper 545. Overseas Development Institute.