• Assessing the Frontiers of Ultra-poverty Reduction: Evidence from Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction/ Targeting the Ultra-poor, an Innovative Program in Bangladesh

    M. S. Emran, V. Robano, and S. C. Smith


    This paper uses household panel data to provide robust evidence on the effects of
    BRAC’s Targeting the Ultra-poor Program in Bangladesh. Our identification strategy
    exploits type-1 errors in assignment, comparing households correctly included with those
    incorrectly excluded, according to program criteria. Evidence from difference-in-difference
    matching and sensitivity analysis shows that participation had significant positive effects on
    income, food consumption and security, household durables, and livestock, but no robust
    impact on health, ownership of homestead land, housing quality and other productive
    assets. Using quantile difference-in-difference, we find that the income gains from program
    participation is smaller for the lowest two deciles.


    Emran, M. S., V. Robano, and S. C. Smith. 2009. “Assessing the Frontiers of Ultra-
    poverty Reduction: Evidence from Challenging the Frontiers of Poverty Reduction/ Targeting the Ultra-poor, an Innovative Program in Bangladesh.” Economic Development and Cultural Change 62: 339–80.

    Working Papers